Womens Bible Study

In the school pick up line, grocery line or in a doctor’s waiting room. Anticipating movement in an inbox, at a subway station, or an airport gate. We all do it: Wait. The season of Advent reminds us that a weary world waited to rejoice at the coming of Jesus. Behold: An Advent Study helps us focus on the significance of Christmas. Join us as we dive into the Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment, demonstrating the faithful gifts of peace, healing, hope, and freedom that Jesus has given us. These gifts help us to wait well, with expectancy. Childcare is available for kids up to 5th grade.


Join us this year for MomCo (formerly MOPS) at NPHX Church! Moms with kids of all ages are welcome as we grow in community, be encouraged through our journey of motherhood, and see the goodness of God woven into our families. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 9:30 am. Childcare is available for kids infant thru pre-k. Cost is $125 for the year (September-April). Scholarships are available upon request on a first come, first served basis. Reach out to laurenk@nphx.church with scholarship requests.